Monday, September 17, 2007

Is Oral Sex Safe??

Q : I was wondering how safe oral sex is -- giving and receiving.

A : Questions about oral sex are probably the most common ones I get. We recently completed a study of men in San Francisco who have only had oral sex and found zero new HIV infections. But other STDs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, are definitely transmitted through oral sex, and oral sex has likely contributed to our current syphilis outbreak.

Q : My lover had HIV and hepatitis C. We only had oral sex. How safe am I?

A : Oral sex is considered a low-risk sexual activity. There have not been enough studies done that separate oral sex from other sexual activities, so it's not clear exactly how low the risk of HIV transmission is, although it is believed to be very low. (If you're in San Francisco and want to participate in the HOT [HIV Oral Transmission] study, call 1-877-ORAL-HIV.)

The sexual transmission of hepatitis C is very rare as well. Hepatitis C is mostly transmitted through contaminated needles, blood transfusions and shared injection equipment. When researchers study hepatitis C in semen it is very difficult to find the virus, and when they do, the amount is very low.

Q: It's been said that if your gums are bleeding, you could possibly contract HIV via oral sex. Now I'm puzzled.

A : You're right, that's what has been said. But there are no data that show that bleeding gums, sore throats, bad teeth or mouth sores actually increase the risk of transmission. For years, either we have not had data or had bad data. Now, reliable data shows the risk of HIV from oral sex is very, very low.

As you know, many of these infections are easily diagnosed with simple tests and are readily treated. So my advice is: Enjoy oral sex and get regular check-ups. A good check-up includes throat testing for gonorrhea, rectal testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia, urine testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia and blood tests for herpes, syphilis and HIV. We call that the grand slam!

Q : How safe is oral sex?

A : Saliva has natural anti-HIV factors and there have been no recent reports of HIV from oral sex. Hep B can be transmitted via oral sex and kissing, but there are very good shots to prevent hep B. So if you are concerned, get the shots. Hep C has not been transmitted via kissing.

Q : I heard that there have been reports of HIV being spread through oral sex, and other sources have said there haven't been any reports of this. What is the truth?

A : The truth from the University of California San Francisco and the San Francisco Department of Public Health is that the risk of transmission of HIV via oral sex is very, very, very, very, very low. Other sources of information in the U.K. and elsewhere are not based on sound epidemiological data. But remember, other STDs can be transmitted easily via oral sex. So regular check-ups are in order. In those check-ups, get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, get screened in your throat, ass and urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea and get blood tests for HIV, syphilis and herpes. DEMAND these tests from your doctor, clinic or health department. These tests are out there and essential to maintaining good sexual health. Be kind, be cool and be safe.

Source :
Shared by Dr. Jeffrey Klausner at

Sally Chan
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